
This is an automatically generated log that will show you what MistForums has recently been doing to make your forum amazing!

Added verification. 6 years ago
Fixed IPN issue. 6 years ago
Fixed move thread permission. 6 years ago
Fixed speed issue. 6 years ago
Fixed post ratings. 6 years ago
Fixed signatures. 6 years ago
Fixed small issues with SSL. 6 years ago
Updated footer to 2018. 6 years ago
Added quick fix for SSL certs not automatically reloading. 6 years ago
Updated support naming. 6 years ago
Added auto abbreviation for new created servers. 6 years ago
Fixed small potential bug on app code. 6 years ago
Fixed issue with forum creation. 6 years ago
Optimized the speed of caching. 6 years ago
Fixed issue with some routing categories. 6 years ago
Fixed banlist. 6 years ago
Fixed brackets not sorting. 6 years ago
Fixed bug with api. 6 years ago
Fixed bracket positioning. 6 years ago
Fixed issue with SSL creating 6 years ago
Added speed optimization. 6 years ago
Fixed category creation. 7 years ago
Fixed FA icons not rendering. 7 years ago
More speed improvements. 7 years ago
Fixed thread moving issue. 7 years ago
Increased the speed of forums. 7 years ago
Fixed ingame syncing. 7 years ago
Added better error detection for donations. 7 years ago
Fixed hidden threads being added to list of most recent. 7 years ago
Fixed thread posting. 7 years ago
More work on design editor. 7 years ago
more design changes. 7 years ago
Added delay to creating a thread. 7 years ago
Updated paypal currency. 7 years ago
Updated clear code function. 7 years ago
Fixed new donation item. 7 years ago
Fixed community tutorial linking. 7 years ago
Added option to remove ulx syncing. 7 years ago
Fixed game syncing issue. 7 years ago
Updated error logging for mistforums gmod. 7 years ago
Added the ability to change the subdomain name. 7 years ago
Fixed donation items. 7 years ago
More design work. 7 years ago
Gave premium users support options. 7 years ago
Finshed some work on design. 7 years ago
Fixed a few minor bugs. 7 years ago
Made user notifications more user friendly. 7 years ago
Optimized MySQL queries. 7 years ago
Updated mass message. 7 years ago
Added recompile for SSL certificates. 7 years ago
Fixed banlist server. 7 years ago
Fixed minimum 10 dollar donation issue. 7 years ago
Updated statistics. 7 years ago
Updated ckeditor. 7 years ago
Added live chat type system. 7 years ago
Added UTF8MB4 support. 7 years ago
Fixed 10 dollar min issue with donations. 7 years ago
Fixed support only donations. 7 years ago
Updated error logging. 7 years ago
Updated forum notifications. 7 years ago
Merged dev to master 7 years ago
Added latest threads. 7 years ago
Change switch to forum color. 7 years ago
Updated support system. 7 years ago
Fixed some donation items trying to be ran after being deleted. 7 years ago
Clear code now removes styles. 7 years ago
Added required attribute for creating donation items. 7 years ago
Fixed a small bug 7 years ago
Added new donation system. 7 years ago
Updated migrations. 7 years ago
Updated laravel to 5.4, fixed vue issues. 7 years ago
Updated donation 7 years ago
Added more donation work. 7 years ago
Removed ULX module. 7 years ago
Updated donation controller. 7 years ago
Added more donation routes. 7 years ago
More donation stuff. 7 years ago
Fixed adding backgrounds. 7 years ago
Updated donations. 7 years ago
Added banner. 7 years ago
Updated for donation system. 7 years ago
More donation work. 7 years ago
Replaced non HTTPS images on home page. 7 years ago
Fixed forum bans. 7 years ago
Started donation system. 7 years ago
Removed old edit signature button. 7 years ago
Removed user edit profile modal. 7 years ago
Created a game integration section of admin panel. 7 years ago
Updated error layout. 7 years ago
Fixed memory issue for caching. 7 years ago
Added clientside background editor. 7 years ago
Updated category threads for a better UI design. 7 years ago
Added sent private messages. 7 years ago
Fixed issue with post ratings. 7 years ago
Fixed recent activity. 7 years ago
Added user notifications. 7 years ago
Updated ULX module. 7 years ago
Fixed some usernames with utf-8 encoding. 7 years ago
Added web error logging. 7 years ago
Added background image support. 7 years ago
Updated mistforums to load balancing. 7 years ago
Changed certificate system for load balancing. 7 years ago
Updated post xss issue. 7 years ago
Paginated comments on user profiles. 7 years ago
Fixed SSL certificates. 7 years ago
Updated SSL certificate. 7 years ago
Fixed small AWS issue. 7 years ago
Fixed logo,favicon on admin panel. 7 years ago
Added auto link creation with chatbox. 7 years ago
Updated meta description of homepage. 7 years ago
Fixed post design clipping on user left avatar. 7 years ago
Fixed post rating icons. 7 years ago
Fixed file uploading. 7 years ago
Added S3 for file storage. 7 years ago
Optimized forum homepage. 7 years ago
Updated welcome page. 7 years ago
Updated SSL certificate generation. 7 years ago
Updated branding notification text. 7 years ago
Added private message links for users. 7 years ago
Fixed tutorial links on support. 7 years ago
Added premium package back. 7 years ago
Updated forum software package. 7 years ago
Added port number to gameservers 7 years ago
Updated front page text. 7 years ago
Fixed gameserver inserting. 7 years ago
Fixed domains not being checked correctly. 7 years ago
Updated forum module download software. 7 years ago
Fixed defaulting data. 7 years ago
Added reply message to private messages. 7 years ago
Added thread headers managment to admin panel. 7 years ago
Updated default header images. 7 years ago
Added indexes for quicker caching. 7 years ago
Themes removed, design improved, more components added, improved database. 7 years ago
5.3 initial project. 7 years ago
Fixed bad user call. 7 years ago
Removed request logging. Added some error handling. 7 years ago
Added max width for images on threads. 7 years ago
Fixed thread replying. 7 years ago
Fixed little bug on thread posting. 7 years ago
Fixed small bug with threads. 7 years ago
Fixed support tickets. 7 years ago
Updated support tickets. 7 years ago
Disabled support tickets for now, 7 years ago
Optimized user auth system. 7 years ago
Fixed hidden brackets showing. 7 years ago
Fixed some mobile design. 8 years ago
Fixed deleting forums. 8 years ago
Fixed support page. 8 years ago
Added buffer for SSL certificate. 8 years ago
Fixed wrong tutorials being put in support. 8 years ago
Updated SSL functionality. 8 years ago
Fixed hiding threads deleting content. 8 years ago
Reverted back to old text editor due to horrible solution with sceditor. 8 years ago
Added pages to members page. 8 years ago
Fixed banlist remove. 8 years ago
Fixed forum deleting. 8 years ago
Fixed some donations resulting in 0 8 years ago
Fixed some donations resulting in 0. 8 years ago
Added some statistic information. 8 years ago
Updated navigation due to overflow of buttons. 8 years ago
Fixed deleting forums bugging. 8 years ago
Fixed news. 8 years ago
Added more protection posts. 8 years ago
Updated signature with bbcode. 8 years ago
Changed text editor, fixing exploits caused by it. 8 years ago
Added game types. 8 years ago
Added table organizer for banlist. 8 years ago
Reenabled SSL certificate usage for bug detection. 8 years ago
Updated main page. 8 years ago
Updated donation design. 8 years ago
Added redirect URL for categories. 8 years ago
Added top donators. 8 years ago
Added user infocards. 8 years ago
Updated user profile design. 8 years ago
Scrapped theme builder, added options for design. 8 years ago
Updated new forums design. 8 years ago
Removed bad table design for categories. 8 years ago
Updated online users. 8 years ago
Removed monthly payment. 8 years ago
Revised donation system. 8 years ago
Updated with new logo. 8 years ago
Fixed affiliates. 8 years ago
Fixed private messages. 8 years ago
Removed order page, switching over to a free model. 8 years ago
Added remove buttons for widgets. 8 years ago
Added remove button for widgets. 8 years ago
Fixed builder fonts, updated MistPay design. 8 years ago
Fixed payment processor. 8 years ago
Added terms and conditions. 8 years ago
Fixed viewing threads that dont belong on your forum on your forum. 8 years ago
Added developer position to edit themes. 8 years ago
Added URL logging for debug. 8 years ago
Added database queue system, hopefully to fix memory leak. 8 years ago
Fixed default font on theme customize. 8 years ago
Updated email sender. 8 years ago
Added position to categories. 8 years ago
Added ability to set forums as premium. 8 years ago
Added closed ticket viewing for support system. 8 years ago
Removed padding on categories. 8 years ago
Updated new forum post text. 8 years ago
Fixed chatbox design. 8 years ago
Fixed SSL certificates not working on FireFox. 8 years ago
Fixed navigation button bug. 8 years ago
Added affiliate index page. 8 years ago
Disabled SSL for now due to issues. 8 years ago
Fixed email request, fixed role user add. 8 years ago
Added forum widgets for the right side of your forum, like teamspeak. 8 years ago
Added news instruction for confused users. 8 years ago
Fixed error with role image uploading. 8 years ago
Dramatically improved the download system, download with one click now. 8 years ago
Added font customization to theme builder. 8 years ago
Added ability to add images to roles. 8 years ago
Fixed some steamids being considered invalid on mistpay. 8 years ago
Cleaned up roles design, added a sparkle option for roles. 8 years ago
Merge branch 'master' of bitbucket.org:creationraymond/mistforums 8 years ago
Fixed analytics with the site. 8 years ago
Removed Children text. 8 years ago
Added last reply to support system, better emailing. 8 years ago
Updated contact links with support page, we now use support tickets. 8 years ago
Added support page, added support ticket system. 8 years ago
Fixed forum owner not being admin by default. 8 years ago
Fixed issue with deleting forums with thread headers. 8 years ago
Removed child category text 8 years ago
Added automatic tweets. 8 years ago
Fixed thread being moved to top when viewed. 8 years ago
Updated blockquotes for reply responses. 8 years ago
Added monitoring for premium forums. 8 years ago
The owner of the forum can never be demoted from now on lol. 8 years ago
Added join button to game servers 8 years ago
Added mistpay menu. 8 years ago
Fixed bad steam validation for commands on mistpay. 8 years ago
Added ability to remove chatbox messages. 8 years ago
Added cross communication between mistforums and forums. 8 years ago
Fixed bracket positioning not working. 8 years ago
Fixed locked threads sorting. 8 years ago
Added currency symbol. 8 years ago
Added admin panel navigation remembering. 8 years ago
Added donation logs to mistpay edit page. 8 years ago
More behind the scenes implementations 8 years ago
Added email notification for payments. 8 years ago
Revamped the forum creation page, moved coupons to payments section, sproused up default logos, no longer do we have 'New Domain Community' 8 years ago
Updated pricing page. 8 years ago
SSL Certificates are now enabled! 8 years ago
Fixed demotions from ULX placing you as 'user' 8 years ago
More work for getting automated SSL certificates. 8 years ago
Added ability to edit thread title. 8 years ago
Added email introduction. 8 years ago
Fixed view bug on theme builder. 8 years ago
Fixed deleting posts, fixed user ranks not showig. 8 years ago
Added theme builder, the beginning to an awesome future! 8 years ago
Fixed invalid form data being displayed as an error page. 8 years ago
Fixed MistPay IPN callback. 8 years ago
Fixed category parent editing missing 8 years ago
Heartattack! Fix gulp! 8 years ago
Updated with cache pack to load faster! 8 years ago
Fixed category parent editing missing. 8 years ago
Added currency for mistpay. 8 years ago
Added ranks to members page, added recent activity to users page. 8 years ago
Added domain verification, no longer can you add bad domains to your forum. 8 years ago
Added reply feature to posts. 8 years ago
Fixed issue with deleting forums with custom icons, added more responsive code. 8 years ago
Added SSL Certificates, still in testing. 8 years ago
Fixed double post ratings occuring. 8 years ago
Fixed post ratings, fixed mistpay. 8 years ago
Fixed multiple fetches from the API creating multiple accounts. 8 years ago
Updated landing page for SEO purposes, cleaned it up, added a feedback button on the pricing page. 8 years ago
Added automatic background generation to new forums. 8 years ago
Fixed news breaking if you have no categories. 8 years ago
Fixed up some bad connections with the API controller, Fixed clientside files not downloading correctly for mistpay. 8 years ago
Updated library of ratings, added text, shrinked image. 8 years ago
Added forum post ratings, its a module under your forum now. 8 years ago
Added updates page. 8 years ago
We are now synced with BitBucket! 8 years ago